Kyou Kara Maou!

Saralegi is the King of Small Shimaron.


He has a Twin brother named Yelshi. When Saralegi was born he was stillborn and so his mother Alazon used the forbidden box Inferno on the Tundra to bring him back to life. Saralegi thought that when Alazon found out that he had no Shinzoku powers that she abandoned him and sent him to live with his father in Small Shimaron but she sent him there because she thought that if he stayed in Seisakoku the shadow of death that loomed over him would grow and god would take away his life. When his father died he became the king of Small Shimaron.


The anime story is very different from the novels. Yelshi does not seem to exist and instead he has a body guard, Berius, who is later revealed to be his uncle. He has the power of Hypnosis.

During Yuuri's visit to Small Shimaron, Sara takes an arrow in Yuuri's place. Yuuri is moved and even Wolfram, who had previously shown a strong dislike towards Sara, is touched by the young king's attempt to protect his fiance. Murata and Conrad still remain suspicious of Sara's true motives, though.

It later becomes clear that Berias was the one who fired the arrow as part of a plan Sara concocted in order to gain Yuuri's trust. Sara finally reveals his true colors, using his power to manipulate Yuuri into attacking a fleet of Big Shimaron battleships. His betrayal leaves Yuuri completely shaken. Also in the 5th OVA episode, Sara had means to use Yuuri's power for his own selfish reasons, whilst using Wolfram as bait. Sara attempted to stop Wolfram's heart in order to get Yuuri to give him what he wanted.

